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- #!/bin/bash
- # $Id: bug.script 2906 2007-05-29 11:01:20Z frank $
- set -e
- cat <<EOF
- Please read and follow the instructions in the first lines below
- the text: "-- Package-specific info:".
- Thank you.
- Press ENTER to continue
- getkey
- cat >&3 <<EOF
- If you report an error when running one of the TeX-related binaries
- (latex, pdftex, metafont,...), or if the bug is related to bad or wrong
- output, please include a MINIMAL example input file that produces the
- error in your report. Don't forget to also include minimal examples of
- other files that are needed, e.g. bibtex databases. Often it also helps
- to include the logfile. Please, never send included pictures!
- If your example file isn't short or produces more than one page of
- output (except when multiple pages are needed to show the problem),
- you can probably minimize it further. Instructions on how to do that
- can be found at
- http://www.latex-einfuehrung.de/mini-en.html (english)
- or
- http://www.latex-einfuehrung.de/mini.html (german)
- ##################################
- minimal input file
- ##################################
- other files
- # unset error exit since those files might not be present...
- set +e
- for dir in $(kpsexpand '$TEXMF' | sed -e 's/,/ /g;s/[!{}]//g;'); do
- ls_R_files="$ls_R_files $(ls $dir/ls-R 2>/dev/null)";
- done
- ls_R_files="$ls_R_files $(ls /usr/share/texmf-texlive/ls-R 2>/dev/null)"
- echo "######################################" >&3
- echo " List of ls-R files" >&3
- echo >&3
- for file in $ls_R_files; do
- ls -l $file >&3
- # echo >&3
- # cat $file >&3
- # echo "######################################" >&3
- done
- echo "######################################" >&3
- echo " Config files" >&3
- for i in texmf.cnf fmtutil.cnf updmap.cfg ; do
- f=$(kpsewhich --format='web2c files' $i)
- if [ -z "$f" ] ; then
- echo "Warning: $i cannot be found with kpsewhich!" >&3
- else
- ls -l $f >&3
- fi
- done
- for i in language.dat ; do
- f=$(kpsewhich -progname=latex $i)
- if [ -z "$f" ] ; then
- echo "Warning: $i cannot be found with kpsewhich!" >&3
- else
- ls -l $f >&3
- fi
- done
- echo "######################################" >&3
- echo " Files in /etc/texmf/web2c/" >&3
- ls -l /etc/texmf/web2c/ >&3
- echo "######################################" >&3
- echo " md5sums of texmf.d" >&3
- md5sum /etc/texmf/texmf.d/* >&3